Report back from IMPEACH! Day
April 28 Cleveland
click for short movies of A28 in Cleveland
In Cleveland A28 went well, the weather started out nasty, cold and wet earlier in the day.
After that we several of us went with some SDS youths to the local recruiting station and held up an impeachment banner and did some street theatre with a "detainee".. We shut the recruiting station down and plastered the windows with "Impeach Bush and Cheney for War Crimes" and "Not Our President" signs and copies of the WCW call before we left.
Much to our delight the weather cleared up with blue skies and warmer temperatures as we were going back to Lincoln Park . We decorated it with orange Impeach balloons to the delight of all the children in the playground who were running around with them. About 100 people trickled in and we held up large letters , banners and signs along the main drag and did some strong agitation and open mic to an audience that formed across the street by a local church. We recieved many honks and thumbs up. I also recited the Pledge Of Resistance.
Some of us formed the word impeach in the grass (on top of plastic) while others kept the vigil at the street going.A group of us then marched to Pat's In the Flats with 911Truth folks and did some strong agitation outside of local yuppie restaurants ...some folks and shop keepers came out and clapped while a few others yelled at us but we held our positions and had really good agitation going on the whole time. We also had a "detainee" in jumpsuit with us doing stress positions which always gets attention.
At Pat's In The Flats we tabled, danced and listened to Anti -Bush bands until the wee hours of the morning.We also did some impeach petitions and made new contacts.
It was a successful day and we met many new faces and activists..
Folks really liked the idea of being part of a national movement happening all over. Some folks suggested we all join forces and do impeachment actions like this every week!
Another World Is Possible!
MJ-Cleveland World Can't Wait/Not In Our Name
The World Can't Wait-Drive Out the Bush Regime!
In Cleveland: 216-644-7794
DONATIONS urgently needed to cover the cost of this event!!
Send checks to: NION/WCW
PO Box 609034 Cleveland OH 44109
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