JOIN WORLD CAN’T WAIT - DRIVE OUT THE BUSH REGIME And a massive coalition of anti-war organizations to MARCH ON THE PENTAGON Saturday March 17End the War NOW! Impeach Bush for War Crimes! [bus ticket info from Cleveland below]On March 17, to mark the 5th year of this immoral and unjust war andoccupation of Iraq, JOIN FORCES and march on The Pentagon. Tell the Bush Regime to End the War NOW! No attack on Iran!George Bush and Dick Cheney must be impeached for war crimes and crimes against humanity! Millions are against the war, spying, torture, the abandoning of Katrina survivors, a spreading theocracy and suppression of science—and want the whole disaster of the Bush regime to be brought to a halt. The more we demand impeachment, Bush’s war options will grow more limited; the more his war crimes are exposed, the greater the impetus for his removal and repudiation.The Call to Drive Out the Bush Regime says: “YOUR GOVERNMENT, ON THE BASIS OF OUTRAGEOUS LIES, IS WAGING A MURDEROUS AND UTTERLY ILLEGITIMATE WAR IN IRAQ, WITH OTHER COUNTRIES IN THEIR SIGHTS”It is time we rise to this challenge in unity with each other. The people are on our side, the momentum is on our side, the whole world is on our side. The challenge: are we going to move heaven and earth to remove the criminal Bush regime, ending the war and repudiating the direction they’vetaken this society?“THAT WHICH YOU WILL NOT RESIST AND MOBILIZE TO STOP, YOU WILL LEARN – OR BE FORCED – TO ACCEPT…”Now is the time. 2008 is too late. It is unconscionable to allow this carnage to go on. We can and must reverse the entire course we have been forced to accept, or it will be made permanent.March on the Pentagon and make our voices heard!Saturday, MARCH 17.Assemble at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (Constitution Gardens) at 12 noon in Washington, D.C. 2 pm March to the or (866) 973 4463--------------------------------
Reserve your seat on the bus from Cleveland.$50 is the amount to reserve a ticket on the bus to the March 17 demo in DC.
www.noacinfo.orgBuses from Cleveland depart Friday, March 16,2007, 11:30 p.m.,Gordon Square (W.65th & Detroit) returning Sunday, March 18th,early morning. Seats are $50 per person round trip ($60 after March 2nd). Some financial help may be available.
For reservations, call 216-736-4716, or e-mail: noacinfo@aol.comNOAC Buses to D.C. for March 17th Demonstration
[ ] Please reserve ___ seats for bus at $50 each ($60 after March 2)
(total due $_____)
[ ] I would like to go but need financial assistance.
Name______________________________________ email:_____________
[ ] I am contributing $______ to make it possible for someone else to go.
Check enclosed for $________
Mail to:NOAC c/o Linda Park (Make check payable to NOAC)1848 Beersford, East Cleveland, OH 44112[ ] I (we) intend to stay in DC after the march
Join the Northeast Ohio Anti-War Coalition (NOAC), A.N.S.W.E.R., and Troops Out Now Coalition in a massive march on the Pentagon, on March 17,to call on Congress to take immediate action to end the war!
**NOAC sponsored buses will return to Cleveland following the march on thePentagon. If you plan to stay in DC after the march, please indicate your intention to travel one-way to DC when you reserve your seat.